We all have a story to tell. It is important that you do just that. Tell it — consistently, concisely, and frequently.

Your story is your unique identity. It quickly tells listeners who you are and what makes you different, while also providing structure and a certain kind of raison d’être for employees and internal stakeholders. 

When you’re called to do a presentation, an interview, or a sales pitch, you’re expected to introduce your company. Having a clearly structured story as part of your corporate culture allows you to showcase your firm in the best possible light.

What’s YOUR Story?

Consider the following questions as you develop or revise your story:

  • How does your company invest responsibly?
  • What is your investing process and how do you implement it?
  • What makes you stand out? Why should anyone give their money to you?

Communicating Your Story

Follow these tips to make sure that you get your message across:

  • Ensure that your story is told consistently and succinctly by every member of your organization who will have the opportunity to share it. 
  • Communicate your story on a regular basis.

Your Company’s Website

Your website is often the first impression someone has of your company. Job seekers, investors, reporters and customers all visit your website looking for clear, concise information about your company and products or services.  This is a perfect vehicle to make your story constantly available.

  • Convey your story in the “about us” tab on your website or weave it into your mission statement.
  • Build credibility and trust
  • Use testimonials to your advantage.

Public Relations

It’s never too late to design and commit to a PR plan. Good intentions quickly fade as day-to-day responsibilities consume our time. No matter how good your product or service, unless you’re top of mind for prospects and clients, reporters, and ultimately the public, you’re letting valuable opportunities pass you by.

Responding to the occasional reporter call is not enough. Successful public relations means you are proactively engaging the process: it’s your story, your theme, your timeframe in publications you’ve selected. Excellent media coverage is the result of developing and consistently communicating a focused message about you – a message about what your business has to offer and how it impacts the industry and community.

Whether your plan this year is to lay low or stand out, you can benefit from a structured PR program that is designed with your business priorities in mind.

Download our free e-book for further tips and suggestions on how to tell your story.


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